About us

Leaving our comfort zone and living to the fullest, pushing the everyday life aside and reconnecting with nature.

This permanent quest to broaden our horizon makes us learn more about ourselves every day, as well as discover and rediscover the world through the eyes and stories of the people we meet on our way, the cultures and landscapes we cross.

We are shaped by our adventures and the impressions they leave on us.

Marion & Philip

2022-10-29 Amérique du Sud Bolivie Altiplano haut plateau bolivien cordillère des Andes Tupiza Uyuni tour paysage nature Salar Uyuni désert Salt Flat volcan montagne Tunupa Thunupa randonnée Segundo Mirador point de vue cratère couple randonneur randonneuse

One leaves a little piece of their heart on a journey

Marion’s highlights

Mount Rainier National Park

Encounters with pikas

Exploration of the Salar de Uyuni

My very first encounter with a cub

Grand Teton National Park

Panorama Ridge hike

Bolivian Altiplano

Philip’s highlights

Encounter with grizzly bears in Alaska

Reflections on Lake St. Elias

North america breweries

Road trip to Yukon

Bolivian Altiplano

Hike to swiftcurrent pass

Sunset at Horseshoe Bend

